Program Magister Mekatronik
Lahti, Finlandia
2 Years
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh
22 Jan 2025*
Sep 2025
EUR 13.500 / per year **
Di kampus
* Tiket masuk reguler mulai 1 Desember 2023-17 Januari 2024 pukul 15:00 (UTC+2)
** uang sekolah tahunan untuk siswa non-EU / EEA
Dalam Program Magister Mekatronika, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menerapkan kecerdasan buatan untuk mengontrol sistem mesin dan proses, termasuk pemeliharaan, layanan, dan pemrograman. Anda akan belajar tentang kembaran digital dan sistem mesin otonom serta pengembangan dan kegunaan antarmuka pengguna.
Inti dari Program Magister Mekatronika terdiri dari teori dan praktik sistem mekatronika, dasar-dasar robotika, pemrograman dan sistem kendali, digitalisasi, dan simulasi.
Program master ini memungkinkan Anda untuk memahami cara kerja ekonomi sirkular dan mengidentifikasi dampak utama dan signifikansinya dalam masyarakat modern. Anda akan mengetahui cara menerapkan konsep ekonomi sirkular pada rekayasa digital dan mengintegrasikannya ke dalam proses desain dan pengambilan keputusan. Anda akan belajar tentang kriteria pemilihan material dan pengaruhnya terhadap fungsi ekonomi sirkular dan akan dapat mengevaluasi dan memilih material dari perspektif pembangunan berkelanjutan dan ekonomi sirkular.
Kursus membahas topik-topik seperti matematika terapan, tenaga fluida, teknik berbasis keandalan, dan digitalisasi. Kebanyakan dari mereka mencakup ceramah, latihan, dan pekerjaan laboratorium. Banyak tugas laboratorium yang berhubungan dengan masalah industri nyata, seperti otomatisasi.
Beasiswa dan Pendanaan
Early Bird discount / First academic year
When required to pay a tuition fee, you are offered
- an Early Bird Discount of EUR 6 000
for the first academic year if you confirm your place and pay the rest of the tuition fee of EUR 7,500 within 21 days from the date of having received your Certificate of Admission.
Early Bird discount is available in both Regular Admission and Early Admission.
LUT Scholarship / Second academic year
When required to pay a tuition fee, you are offered
- LUT Scholarship of EUR 6 000
for the second academic year if having completed a minimum of 60 ECTS credits of studies included in the personal study plan during the first academic year.
With LUT Scholarship the tuition fee is EUR 7 500 for the second academic year.
The required ECTS credits will be automatically checked for and they must be included on your Transcript of Records by the end of the first academic year i.e. by 31 July.
Program Magister Mekatronik dua tahun mengarah ke gelar Master of Science in Technology, M.Sc. (Tech.), yaitu 120 kredit ECTS.
The program includes core studies, advanced specialization studies, elective studies, and a master’s thesis.
The content of the program includes electrical, hydraulic, and hybrid power transmission systems – both theory and practical applications. The goal is to help you learn how to improve both energy and material efficiency by utilizing mechatronic systems. Further, the program deals with the environmental aspects and overall sustainability of machine systems.
You can choose business-, environment- or IoT-oriented courses for your elective studies. Consequently, the program gives you a wider perspective on strategic industrial thinking. In addition, you can include an industry internship in your personal study plan.
Perkuliahan dan latihan berlangsung baik secara online di platform Moodle maupun di kampus. Pengajaran kontak terutama dilakukan di kampus Lahti, namun beberapa tutorial laboratorium diadakan di kampus Lappeenranta.
Most laboratories and other facilities of the Department of Mechanical Engineering are located in Lappeenranta, but some are also available in Lahti. Blended teaching makes this program suitable for people with full-time jobs.
Studi Inti, 35 Kredit ECTS
Core studies will give the required wider background in mechanical engineering for your master’s studies. You will study research methods, reliability-based machine design, and the simulation of mechatronic machines. You will learn to use tools that support digitalized design, simulation, and production. In addition, you will learn about modern leadership and management in engineering.
Studi Spesialisasi Lanjutan, 45 Kredit ECTS
Your specialization studies will consist of two modules.
The first module deals with robotics and mechatronics and includes both theory and practice in the control of mechatronic machines and robot systems. In addition, the module includes applied mathematics and a course on fluid power. To strengthen the connection with industry, the module also includes a special course on advanced industrial mechatronics.
The second module deals with digital engineering and includes a laboratory course on simulation, machine dynamics, and computational methods in mechanics.
Studi Pilihan, 10 Kredit ECTS
You should include 10 credits of elective courses in your personal study plan from a list of courses on topics such as sustainability, environmental friendliness, and business-oriented engineering.
Tesis Master, 30 Kredit ECTS
An advanced research project during the program's fourth semester. The master’s thesis is a part of advanced specialization studies, and its topic should be related to either of the specialization modules. The thesis project requires approximately six months of full-time work. The thesis is typically written in cooperation with industry during the program's fourth semester.
Hasil Program
During the program, you will acquire extensive knowledge of the design of mechatronic machines and machine systems, their user interfaces, and control systems.
You will acquire:
- Kompetensi di berbagai bidang seperti desain sistem mekatronik, penerapan sistem kontrol di mekatronik, efisiensi energi solusi penggerak alternatif, desain sistem robot, teori dan praktik metode digital, dan alat untuk berbagai fase siklus hidup produk
- Keterampilan kerja proyek multidisiplin untuk bekerja sama dengan para ahli dari berbagai bidang teknik dan untuk memahami pentingnya bisnis, efisiensi energi, keberlanjutan secara keseluruhan, dan keramahan lingkungan. Anda akan berpartisipasi dalam kursus teori dan metodologi yang diintegrasikan ke dalam proyek dengan perusahaan regional dan belajar melihat masalah dari berbagai perspektif dan menyelesaikannya secara optimal dengan memanfaatkan sistem mekatronik
- Keterampilan profesional untuk mengembangkan dan merancang sistem mekatronik dengan biaya efektif dan berkelanjutan – juga pada skala industri global. Anda akan memperoleh keterampilan dalam pemodelan matematika dan simulasi komputer sistem mesin, pemrograman, dan teknologi IT yang dibutuhkan dalam sistem mekatronik, dan simulasi mesin mekatronik. Anda akan belajar menulis kode teknik yang efisien, jelas, dan mudah dikelola menggunakan perangkat lunak aljabar linier tingkat tinggi, memanfaatkan berbagai ukuran berbasis keandalan untuk sistem mekatronik, menerapkan alat dan teknik untuk analisis risiko sistem mekatronik, dan mengurangi kemungkinan kegagalan mekatronika sistem
- A professional network through practical mechatronics system design projects in close collaboration with Finnish and other European companies. You will face and solve real-life cases assigned by industrial companies.
Biaya Pendidikan Program
Kesempatan berkarir
Permintaan akan tenaga ahli di bidang mekatronika semakin meningkat karena perkembangan teknologi baru dan pentingnya mereka dalam perkembangan masyarakat kita.
Lulusan program ini memiliki kemungkinan karir yang luas di perusahaan industri sebagai insinyur desain, manajer desain, desainer produk, atau pengembang produksi. Program ini akan memberikan Anda kompetensi yang sangat baik untuk bekerja sebagai peneliti di berbagai organisasi atau melanjutkan studi akademis Anda di tingkat doktoral.