MRes Media Research
Stirling, Britania Raya
12 up to 24 Months
Bahasa inggris
Waktu penuh, Paruh waktu
Minta batas waktu aplikasi
Sep 2024
Minta biaya sekolah
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* Untuk informasi biaya terkini, silakan lihat situs web
Program ini merupakan jalur 1+3 yang diakui oleh Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Skema 1+3 menyediakan pendanaan untuk pelatihan penelitian selama satu tahun yang terkait dengan program PhD dan dirancang untuk mahasiswa yang belum menyelesaikan program pelatihan penelitian yang diakui ESRC.
Alasan utama untuk belajar bersama kami
#1 Kami berada di peringkat ke-2 di Skotlandia dan 5 teratas di Inggris untuk Komunikasi dan Media di Times dan Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023
#2 Semua siswa MRes diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan penelitian sebagai bagian dari kursus
#3 90% kepuasan mahasiswa secara keseluruhan untuk Komunikasi, Media dan Budaya - Survei Pengalaman Diajarkan Pascasarjana (PTES) 2021
The degree is primarily targeted at anyone needing research training before embarking on a higher research degree, such as a PhD. The course also offers an excellent grounding in social science methods, which are transferable to media research for industry, journalism, marketing and advertising research, production research and wider aspects of social research consultancy.
Communications, Media and Culture at the University of Stirling was ranked 2nd in Scotland overall in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), with 100% of our research environment and 88% of our overall research classed as world-leading or internationally excellent.
Course details
The MRes Media Research degree consists of two components: a taught course and a dissertation. The taught course takes place over an academic year. You’ll take three modules in the Autumn Semester and three modules in the Spring Semester, making for a total of six taught modules across the year.
The course involves lectures, seminars, tutorials and supervisory meetings, as well as a research project and case study work. A dissertation proposal must be submitted by the beginning of the Spring Semester when supervisors are allocated. You’ll be expected to stay within the areas of current staff interests and expertise. Each dissertation is approximately 12,000 words in length and may take the form of a written publishable academic article or a project report, depending on its focus.
Assessment is conducted by means of coursework as specified for each module. This includes essays, a literature review, a research report, a seminar presentation and a media text.